The Pachamama Week #6 Second Term 2020-2021



a) Environment b) Mother Earth c) Care of Nature d) Environmental impact




     1.What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English? 
     2.What powers does the Pachamama have? 
     3.What do people offer to the Pachamama?
     4. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?


  1. 1.What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?

    The pachamama is usually translated into English as " MOTHER EARTH ".

    2.What powers does the Pachamama have?

    In Ican mythology she presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause

    3.What do people offer to the Pachamama?

    She is offered many sacrifices especially animals like llamas and alpacas.

    4. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?

    If people treat the pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices the she in return will
    give them a good harvest.

    NAME: Joseph Chadan

  2. 1.-Pachamama is usually translated into English as "Mother Earth".
    2.-She presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause earthquakes.
    3.-She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals like llamas and alpacas.
    4.-If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harvest.


    1. What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?

    The Pachamama is usually translated into English as ´´Mother Earth´´

    2. What powers does the Pachamama have?

    In Ican mythology, she presides over the planting and harvesting of crops and can cause earthquakes.

    3. What do people offer Pachamama?

    Usually, people offer him the Pachamama. many sacrifices, especially animals like llamas and alpacas.

    4. How do people maintain a good relationship with Pachamama?

    People treat the pachamama well and offer them the best sacrifices, she will give them a good harvest in return.

  4. Name:Ezequiel Quile
    1.What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?
    -The pachamama is usually translated into English as " MOTHER EARTH ".
    2.What powers does the Pachamama have?
    -In Ican mythology she presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause
    3.What do people offer to the Pachamama?
    -She is offered many sacrifices especially animals like llamas and alpacas.
    4. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?
    -If people treat the pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices the she in return will
    give them a good harvest.

  5. 1.-Pachamama is usually translated into English as "Mother Earth".
    2.-She presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause earthquakes.
    3.-She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals like llamas and alpacas.
    4.-If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harvest.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. 1.What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?
    The Pachamama is usually translated into English as Mother Earth
    2.What powers does the Pachamama have?
    She presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause earthquakes
    3.What do people offer to the Pachamama?
    She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals like llamas and alpacas
    4. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?
    If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harves

  8. 1. Pachamama is usually tranlated into English as "Mother Earth "
    2. She presides over plating and harvesting crops and can cause earthquakes
    3. She IS offered many sacrifices specially animals like llamás and alpacas
    4. If people treat the Pachamama Well and ofter her the best sacrifices then she in retum will give then a good harvest

  9. Josue Pullutasig4 de enero de 2021, 8:38

    1.Pachamama is usually tranlated in to English as "Mather Earth"
    2.She presides over plating and harves ting crops and can cause earthquakes
    3.She is offered many sacrificies specially animals like llamas and pacas
    4.If people treat the Pachamama well and ofter her teh best sacrifice then she in retum will give then a good havest

  10. 1.What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?
    The Pachamama is usually translated into English as Mother Earth
    2.What powers does the Pachamama have?
    She presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause earthquakes
    3.What do people offer to the Pachamama?
    She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals like llamas and alpacas
    4. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?
    If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harves

  11. 1. What is the most common translation of Pachamama in English?
    -The pachamama is usually translated into English as "MOTHER EARTH".
    2. What powers does the Pachamama have?
    -In Ican mythology she presides over the sowing and harvesting of crops and can cause
    3. What do people offer Pachamama?
    -Many sacrifices are offered, especially of animals such as llamas and alpacas.
    4. How do people have a good relationship with Pachamama?
    -If people treat the pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, she in return
    It will give a good harvest.

  12. 1. What is the most common translation of Pachamama in English?
    -The pachamama is usually translated into English as "MOTHER EARTH".
    2. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?
    If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harves
    3. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?
    -If people treat the pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices the she in return will
    give them a good harvest.
    4.-If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harvest

  13. .What is the most common translation for Pachamama in English?
    The Pachamama is usually translated into English as Mother Earth
    2.What powers does the Pachamama have?
    She presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause earthquakes
    3.What do people offer to the Pachamama?
    She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals like llamas and alpacas
    4. How do people maintain a good relationship with the Pachamama?
    If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harves

  14. 1.-Pachamama is usually translated into English as "Mother Earth''..
    2.-She presides over the sowing, harvesting of crops and can cause earthquakes.
    3.-Many sacrifices are offered, especially animals such as llamas, alpacas among others.
    4.-If people treat Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in turn will give them a good harvest and good fruits.

  15. Fernanda Pimbomaza1 de febrero de 2021, 16:49

    1.-Pachamama is usually translated into English as "Mother Earth".

    2.-She presides over planting and harvesting crops and can cause earthquakes.

    3.-She is offered many sacrifices, especially animals like cats and dogs

    4.-If people treat the Pachamama well and offer her the best sacrifices, then she in retum will give them a good harvest.


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