Recycling Week #7 Second Term 2020-2021
RECYCLING 1. LET'S DISCUSS ABOUT THIS QUESTION: - Is there a recycling program in your community? If there is, describe it. If not, why do you think there isn’t any? 2. LISTEN TO TWO FRIENDS TALKING ABOUT A NEW SCHOOL RECYCLING PROGRAM. THEN DECIDE IF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES ARE TRUE (T), FALSE (F), OR NOT MENTIONED (NM). 3.WRITE FOUR SENTENCES ABOUT THINGS YOUR SCHOOL DOES OR COULD DO TO HELP THE ENVIRONMENT. IN TWO OF THE SENTENCES, USE SO, AND IN THE OTHER TWO, USE SUCH. For example: -It is so important to recycle bottles and paper after using them in class. - It is such a good idea to make creative projects using recycled material.