Why are toquilla straw hats called “Panama hats”? Week #3 Third Term 2020-2021
WHY ARE TOQUILLA STRAW HATS CALLED “PANAMA HATS”? 1. LET'S WATCH THE VIDEO. 2.ANSWER THIS QUESTION HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PANAMA HAT? -Is there any technology involved to produce Panama hats? Yes _____ No____ - Do you think that the history of Panama hats started in Panama and then it was produced in Ecuador? Yes ____ No_____ -Do you think the production of Panama hats contributes to the growth of a community`s economy? Yes ____ No_____ 3. DISCUSS YOUR ANSWERS AS A GROUP (TEACHER COULD DEVELOP A POLL) OR WITH YOUR FAMILY. 4. READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE The History of Paja Toquilla Hats It is said that back in 1835, people in Montecristi, Manabi sent boxes of hats to Manta and Guayaquil to be exported to Panama. The time coincided with the California Gold Rush (1848-1855), which made the...